Itascapoint’s Cloud Maturity Evaluation
After some dabbling around, trial and error, and back-of-mind decision making around cloud migration, a serious move to what some would call “Cloud 2.0” can feel like a skydiving leap-of-faith for your organization:
Knowing you’ve already made the “skydiving” commitment, Itascapoint wants to pack your parachute before the big jump.
Our team of cloud experts designed a comprehensive Cloud Maturity Evaluation to bolster your decision making around consuming cloud services. In short, it’s an opportunity to sit down and wrap our heads around the nature of your business’s cloud consumption — our goal is to see you through a successful transition process.
Itascapoint took on deep-dive research of industry standard models such as ITIL and CMMI to inform our hand-tailored approach to rating cloud readiness. We qualify your organization’s cloud maturity on a spectrum of initial discovery stages to a fully optimized, dynamic environment — all with thorough, metrics-based scoring.
The Maturity Evaluation is comprised of ten discipline areas—key factors such as strategy, governance and architecture—we felt were most crucial to business operations. Further, Itascapoint applies weighting based on industry experience to craft a report that makes sense for your organization.
At the finish line you’ll be equipped with scorecards, graphics and tailored commentary to digest and move forward with; Itascapoint takes a point-in-time snapshot of your organization’s readiness to move forward on a continuum of cloud maturity. Our motive is helping you understand and address areas where you may be research-limited or need focus.
So — why run a maturity assessment with Itascapoint, in particular?
We’re in the business of ensuring your next step is a calculated one, rather than stepping up with a “ready, fire, aim” mindset. Itascapoint’s motto is vendor neutrality, so we can focus on customer growth rather than service provider interests. And, as a tightly-knit group of experts, our team-based experiences are tried and tested through a variety of customer perspectives — organizations of all sizes.
Let Itascapoint guide your business through an unbiased, independent cloud conversation. For more information, please contact