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Data Center Trends

mhta-logoRecently I had the opportunity to be on a Minnesota High Tech Association panel regarding the data center market place. The following are the key topics discussed:

Growth in co-locations in the market place
The Minneapolis, MN area has seen  incredible growth in great co-location options. As data centers in the market place continue to age it is good to know there are more options for companies.

Data center ownership
Over the past few months I have talked with (7-10) CIO’s or senior leaders in IT and there is a consistent message. “We don’t want to be in the data center operations business”.

Why is this:

  1. Aging data centers
  2. Facilities/IT communication breakdown
  3. Lack of cost forecasting (no one likes $50-500K) budget surprises
  4. Data center failures or outages, power, cooling, maintenance
  5. Increased business expectations

Beyond Colocations
As it is becoming acceptable to get leave the data center ownership and management business where does this trend stop? Do companies get out of the infrastructure management business as well?  This is a question we will continue to research and understand for customers.

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